Monday, June 12, 2006

My Friend Bob Sacamano

My friend Bob Sacamano, he came in here for a hernia operation. Oh, yeah, routine surgery. Now he's sitting in a chair by a window going, "My name is Bob!"

On behalf of the SportsMatters team, I would like to say farewell and good luck to Hugh over at The Battle of Alberta. Better known as Sacamano, or Sac, Hugh has been a good friend of this site since its inception (along with his partner-in-crime, Matt Fenwick). In fact, if I remember it correctly, Battle of Alberta was our very first blog link on this site, and vice versa. It's funny how grown men playing games can bring people together, even people who have never met each other, but that is what happened with a whole group of us this year. We have visited and supported each others sites, we have exchanged banter through email and the comments sections, we have joined fantasy pools together, and we have even gotten drunk and determined that the NFL is vastly superior to the CFL together. I'd like to think that many of us have become--as corny as it sounds--friends, and all because of a couple of sports blogs. Yet I shouldn't be that surprised. As Chuck Klosterman has noted:
Arguing about sports is the ultimate cultural equalizer: I can’t think of any subject that so many people know so much about... Whenever I have to hang out with someone I’ve never met before, I always find myself secretly thinking, ‘I hope this dude knows about sports. I hope this dude knows about sports. I hope this dude knows about sports.’ Because if he does, I know the rest of the conversation will be easy.

You've made it real easy, Hugh. Take care, and stay in touch.



At 8:19 AM, Blogger Alex said...

Andy forgot to mention the period at the very beginning of our site when he was convinced, on the basis of a few obscure college basketball references, that I was actually Sacamano.

Anyway, thanks for supporting our site, and for largely being responsible for keeping me in the Oilers loop while I was living in another part of the country. Best of luck in Europe; when you're back on this side of the world, we'll have to finally meet and talk some Boston Celtics basketball.

P.S. If you're looking for things to do in Sheffield, may I suggest you find a partner to create a Steel City Derby blog?

At 8:48 AM, Blogger sacamano said...

Cheers fellas (see, I'm already talking like a Brit).

It was great fun.

I've actually contemplated starting the Steel City Derby blog -- I was actually in Sheffield for the most recent Derby. It was madness.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Black Dog said...

That's a nice post Andy.

Again good luck to Sacamano!


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