Tuesday, September 04, 2007



"It's the worst trauma I've seen. Absolutely. You hope the best for Juan, but he suffered a severe injury with a very guarded prognosis. ...It's way too early to say whether he will or he won't [regain full vision], and if he doesn't what percentage of vision loss he may have. So at this point we keep our fingers crossed, say a prayer for him and make sure he's getting the best treatment he can get." Paletta said the eye socket was essentially crushed on impact, comparing the injured area to the disintegration of an egg shell or ice cream cone, and that the optic nerve had sustained severe trauma. Reconstructive surgery may not take place for several days while doctors wait for swelling to subside. -- AP's report quoting St. Louis Cardinals Medical Director Dr. George Paletta.


"I'm loathe to report what I've heard, not out of any sense of you don't need to know, but some details you just don't want to know. If you'd like to look up more, feel free to Google "blowout fracture." Encarnacion is facing extensive surgery to rebuild the orbital bones around his eye and cheekbone, but there's nothing but time and hope when it comes to his sight." -- Baseball Prospectus's Will Carroll.

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